Monday, April 30, 2012

Damn the Corporate States of America!

       What was SHE thinking in Atlas Shrugged? How could ANYONE swallow her garbage?
       Thanks Ayn Rand, for giving license to people's worst instincts! Damn the Corporate States of America.
       The role of GOVERNMENT must be as firewall between people & thieving/unethical corps, not as lapdog doing corporate bidding, or we get ENRON, MURDOCH, BAIN CAPITAL, CITIZENS UNITED.
       That's what my new novel, Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned, is ALL about--the nightmare of a world-gone-wild, through unbridled greed that tea party/GOP/Rmoney praise as the American Dream, as bad as it gets, worse than you ever imagined.
       You may order Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned from,,, or directly from the publisher
      Enjoy the YouTube video on the "Damnation of Ayn": Even "Queen" & "Pope" weigh in

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