In scathing/hilarious dystopia Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!, USA is renamed Corporate States of America. Romney/Paul Ryan/Koch Brothers/GOP/corporate tycoon elites/1% have taken over the country.
In Chapter 1, at a public event people recite the Pledge of Patronage instead of the Pledge of Allegiance. To honest, decent members of the 99% the words have a terrifying ring:
"I pledge my patronage to the brand of the Corporate State of America and to the profits which it commands. One Emporium, under Mammon, with liberty and lucre for all." Especially before the November election, READ Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned! and watch the struggle between the 1% in power and the 99% trying to regain the country. It's fiction--but eerily like today's reality. It's also a roadmap for retaking the USA in the name of "the people." "iNHERiT THE WiND" "0BAMA/BiDEN iN 2o12" WiMPYASS TAX CHEATiNG MiTT RYAN W0NT PUT UP CAUSE THEY ARE C0RRUPT THEY D0 ABS0LUTELY N0THiNG - DELUSi0NAL - ANGRY - SELFiSH - LYiNG - STiNGY - C0RRUPT - GREEDY - CR00KED - EViL - HATEFUL - RACiST - C0MMUNiST - LAZY - REPUBLiCANS ...ALL HAVE C0MMiTTED P0LiTiCAL SUiCiDE4 2o12 - THE UNRE-ELECTABLE BiGG TiME LAZY WHiNiNGASS SUPER CRYBABY EViL L0SER DEM0N J0HN "THE SUPER C0MMUNiST PACiFiER SUCKA" B0EHNER & THE UN-M0TiVATED UNRE-ELECTABLE WELL KN0WN SUPER DASTARDLY WEAKMiNDED S0RRYASS QUiTTER EViL L0SER DEM0N ERiC "THE C0WARDLY C0MMUNiST EViL WEASEL" CANT0R & THE SAB0TAGiNG 0LD DUMBASS iT'S DEFiNiTELY TiME 2RETiRE EViL L0SER DEM0N DECREPiT MiTCH "THE HUMUNGUS BiGG TiME SAB0TAGiNG THE EC0N0MY EViL C0MMUNiST SUPER SNiTCH" McC0NNELL "iNHERiT THE WiND" Y0U ARE M0ST DEFiNiTELY G0iNG 2B0W D0WN--BELiEVE--Y0UR 0BSTRUCTi0NiSM & D0 ABS0LUTELY N0THiNG LAST DAYS ARE M0ST CERTAiNLY NUMBERED & FAST APPR0ACHiNG iT iS PERMANENTLY ENGRAVED iN ST0NE DAMN RiTE - PRESiDENT OBAMA A MAN 0F ALL THE PE0PLE iN 2o12 & BEY0ND F0RWARD
ReplyDelete From Every1 Who Has Been Given Much, Much Will Be Demanded & From The 1 Who Has Been Entrusted With Much Much More Will Be Asked