Monday, September 30, 2013

From Ayn-Randianization of the U.S: Wet dream or your worst nightmare

From A Cautionary Tale That Needed to be Told By Lsk on May 23, 2013 Format: Paperback Imagine waking up in the middle of a dream - the Ayn-Randianization of the United States is celebrating its 67th anniversary. A wet dream or your worst nightmare, depending on one's socio-economic-political viewpoint. The satirical novel "Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned" is the farcical sequel to the FICTIONAL (caps provided for those who confuse novels with reality), and equally farcical "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. John Galt and Dagney Taggart are long gone but the 'virtue of selfishness' (the title of another Rand novelette) is alive and well. As a satire, in "Drugged" the credos of 'greed is good' and 'self-interest is the only defensible motivating force behind one's actions' have evolved and hardened to their heartless, perhaps incredulous extreme. But then again who would have ever thought the National Socialistic German Worker's Party would turn into the concentration camp party, or for that matter, American corporations would become people, politicians genuflecting at their feet. The message is clear to the worshippers of rugged individualism. Be careful what you wish for. As a parody, this work brilliantly mocks the paper-thin, un-life-like, cardboard characters portrayed in "Shrugged". And like-wise, the constant repetition is a reminder of the mind-numbing 1,070 pages that it takes Rand to say "communism and socialism bad; capitalism good!" If a reading of "Atlas Drugged" accomplishes only one thing - saving you from the laborious task of reading "Shrugged" - then it will have been worth it. Stephen Goldstein, a Sun Sentinel political columnist, demonstrates prescience. His imaginary hard-to-believe fictional characters preceded the real-life hard-to-believe 2012 presidential candidates, and sadly resemble too many of our lawmakers in Congress and legislatures across the nation. A foreboding work of fiction with frightening premonitions for the future of America. Dream or nightmare? You decide To order Atlas Drugged: Ayn Rand Be Damned!

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